Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Spring Break: Day Tres

I thought today was NEVER going to end.  I kid you not.  Mac was a handful all day long.  HANDFUL.

He was in to everything.  He refused to take a nap.  As in I put him down for a nap and rather than going to sleep, he flipped out of his crib and freaked out.  No joke.  HANDFUL.

After Joe got home, this guy came by to look at our gutters and roof.  Mac was still awake.  Since today was no bueno, we decided pizza was just the answer for dinner.  Family trip to the pizza place.  Mac fell asleep on the way there and it was BLISSFUL.

But then we got home......and he realized that it was bed time.  Mac freaked out.  Probably didn't help that Joe gave him kisses all the way up the stairs and that infuriated Mac.  I am not kidding when I say he yelled for an hour and a half.  My son is loud.  SERIOUSLY LOUD.  I have no idea who he would get that from.  We watch our tv with volume normally on level like 18 but tonight (in hopes of drowning out Mac) it was on level like 35.  Even then, we still couldn't focus or hear what was being said.  We had to watch the same episode of Duck Dynasty 3 times before we could actually hear and follow along with what was going on.

To follow with is a picture of Mac from the other night....

AHHHHH silence....peaceful beautiful blissful silence.

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