Sunday, March 17, 2013

Weekend Recap

I cannot believe that Spring Break is over.  I do not want to go back to work AT ALL.  I don't guess I have done a post all weekend.  Whoopsie.

Here is a random video from I think Thursday when Cayla came over to play.  Mac informed us that he needed to "peepee."  And then he did absolutely nothing.  We still made a big deal and he was able to put a sticker on his pee pee chart.

We got up to meet the fam for breakfast (us, Nick, Caryn, Cayla, Kris, and Patty).  We ate at Gwennie's, which I don't super love but Joe does.  Here is me with my big boy before we left (and yes he has crazy face but that is because he doesn't like the flash and he just got up).

After breakfast, we ran to the mall to pick up some clothes.  I got an ADORABLE new dress and Mac got some pajamas and jeans.  Joe dropped me off so I could get my hair done!  I love getting my hair done!  Here is the new hair!

After the getting the hair done, we headed out to Eagle River for a birthday party.  On the way back we stopped at an antique store that we have yet to try out.  I am on the hunt for an upright antique phone, milk glass (vases and pitchers), a globe, a small cake stand (to put on the kitchen counter next to the sink), random glass animals (preferable white)........While we were at the antique shop, I found a 1946 postage scale (I thought it was a kitchen scale) and a small milk glass bud vase.

Joe went hunting (blog post later).  I braved Costco on a busy Sunday morning with Mac.  He did great!  When we got back, I did some baking and Mac did some playing. Apparently, we weren't going to take a nap today either.  We met up with the Homerdings and the Powers at the Powers house.  The guys were watching the babies and the ladies went to the antique store again (I needed to be able to focus).

When we got back from the antique store, this was the scene we saw....

Mac was soooo sleepy.  He kept semi-passing out on the way back....

Here are my treasures!  I love antique-y stuff!

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