Monday, March 18, 2013

AK Hunting

Nick, Lee and I went rabbit hunting last Sunday! Well, it turned out to be a heavily armed hike, but it was a lot of fun. It couldn't have been a better day to go. It was 0 degrees, but the sun was so bright that we were starting to sweat by the end. We basically pulled of the street on the way to Portage, slid on snow shoes, and trekked off into the snow. We walked on the trail of blue ice for a while, then broke of towards a mountain that you can see off the road.

After a while we split up to see if we could track some rabbits. There were tracks everywhere! We just knew we were going to see something! Once we got to the base of the mountain, we found an ice waterfall: 

After we scouted the area for a while longer we decided to rest a bit and take in the sites by the river: 

The ice on the river sounded like it was going to break, so we decided to help it. We took a couple of shots at it... 

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