Thursday, March 14, 2013

Spring Break: Day Quatro

Considering how devil Mac was yesterday, he woke up today in a pretty good mood.  We made a lot of paint "art."  He did some we were apparently feeling artsy!

HOWEVER, Mac did not nap.  I put him in his crib (he stayed this time) but he yelled for a long time.  Then he played for a long time.  I left him in there for a little bit to see if he would actually go to sleep.  No such luck for this mama.  When I went to go get him.....he had taken his pants off (thank goodness he left his diaper on because there was a numero dos) and thrown everything out of his crib.  Silly baby.

Since Mac got paint on himself (with the help from Joe), he needed a bath.  Badly.  He had a great time in the bathtub as per usual!

We needed to run some errands after Mac had his tub so out on Cash family adventure we went.  One of the things we needed was to buy birthday gifts....I am pretty sure Joe enjoyed himself.

While we were running the next errand to Barnes and Noble to pick up my new book (Young House Love: 243 Ways to Paint, Craft, Update & Show Your Home Some Love), Mac passed out.  Finally!  He is so stinking cute and he was snoring so loud....kind of reminded us of some of our parents (SHHHHH!!!!!!).

Here is a video to go with it:

Unfortunately, when we got home....Mac woke up.  Cranky.  Yelling.  Threw some awesome fits.  So we decided to go ahead and put him down for the night....where he continued to yell for over another hour.  Good times.

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