Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Spring Break: Day 2

Yesterday (Tuesday) was day 2 of my spring break of laziness.  It has been awesome staying in my pajamas and spending time with Godzilla.

Caryn and Cayla came over yesterday for some play time.  Cayla and Mac play so well with each other and they really love each other.


And of course we had to watch Cars......

After a while we had a toddler meltdown.  MELTDOWN.  NAP TIME!  Mac's naptime is when I can get my spring break crafting done.  Joe is building crates for Mac's closet (since we are not building a dresser).  I needed to paint some boards with Chalkboard paint so we could actually label the crates.

When Mac got up from his nap, we played around for a while and then Mac did a numero dos so since I figured he wouldn't go to the bathroom I stuck him in his big boy underwear. Mistake.  At one point, Mac had gone downstairs to play with his trucks.  The next thing I hear is "Mommy, pee pee." (splash splash splash)  "Pee Pee"  I look over to see my sweet boy standing in a HUGE puddle of his pee and he was LITERALLY splashing around in it.  No joke.  I cleaned up and put him in the bathtub.  He was in there for such a long time that the water was really cold!  I even drained all of the water out and he still did not want to get out of the bathtub.....

Mac spent the rest of the day playing with his trucks and then wanting to look at puppies.  He LOVES looking at puppies.....

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