Monday, March 18, 2013

Doctor's appointment: Round 1

Today, was a LONG and semi-nerve wracking day.  I had a doctor's appointment at 2.  This appointment was kind of important because we were going to begin the process of finding out if my left fallopian tube is viable for us to have more babies.

Here is my post from April of 2012 when we found out that my tumor had come back.....

I have been having crampy pain for about a week and then on Wednesday night the pain got super intense.  In hindsight I probably should have just gone to the hospital then but I did not.  I called the doctor the next day and they sent me in for an ultrasound/sonogram thing.  That test did not go the way I thought/hoped it would.  They found another growth immediately.  At first I was making jokes about my stupid right ovary but then it hit me what could possibly be happening to me again.  Since I was crying in the waiting room, the awesome people at Advanced Sonograms let me sit in one of their offices and play on the internet.  The technician came in to check on me and saw that I was looking at shoes on Nordstrom's website.  He asked me if shopping was making me feel better and I said no.  (yes, hell has frozen over when I was not interested in shoes or shopping). I finally got the news that my doctor wanted me to come over to his office.  Joe met me there.  What Dr. Hinkle wanted me to do is just wait for a little bit to see if the tumor goes away on it's own.  If the pain does not lesson or if it gets worse over the next week, we will consider surgery.  If (when I go in for the follow up sonogram in roughly 6 weeks) the tumor is not smaller at that appointment then we will consider surgery.  Dr. Hinkle said that if he has to go in to surgically remove the tumor then at that time he will probably just remove my right ovary because of how many problems I have had with it.  Apparently, my stupid right ovary is overactive.  STUPID RIGHT OVARY.

Here is the post from my post-op appointment May 2012 when we were originally told that I couldn't have anymore babies.....

Good news:  My surgery went well and I am healing well.  My doctor got all of my scar tissue out....

Bad news:  There is a lot of damage to my left fallopian tube and it is twisted.  My doctor told me today that I probably will not be able to get pregnant again due to the amount of damage.  He does not want us trying to get pregnant for at least 6 months.  He said that when we decide we want to try to get pregnant that I will need to have some test done to see if my fallopian tube is open or closed.  If it is open, then we can attempt to get pregnant (but as soon as I get pregnant we have to go in for testing to make sure it is not a tubal pregnancy).  If it is closed, then getting pregnant naturally is not an option.  If it is closed, we might have to consider IVF.  If we have to do IVF, then I would have to have surgery again to remove my left fallopian tube in order to have the fertilized egg planted in my uterus.

Let me tell you.  I NEVER thought I would be in this position.  I have cried a lot.  I am pretty sure that I am in shock.  I NEVER thought that I would be a 27 year old who has already had 2 tumors and her ovary/fallopian tube removed AND will probably not be able to get pregnant again.  It is overwhelming.  My dad told me to focus on getting healthy and to think about the positives in my life.  I am trying REALLY hard to focus on the positives but honestly that is really difficult at this point.  Maybe tomorrow will be better!

So needless to say...I was a little nervous about today's appointment.  We did the normal stuff.  I got weighed (I fully believe that the scale is totally wrong).  We did the yearly appointment fun stuff.  So then came the discussion of what we are going to be able to do.  Dr. Hinkle pulled up my surgical notes (and pictures which were totally gross).  He squished my ovary (yes the token one I have left) and my uterus.  Dr. Hinkle can be a little more negative so when he said that he thinks my left fallopian tube should be ok, I tend to believe him.  I still don't want to get my hopes up but it is more than what I had before.....

I will get the official word on Friday.  I have to go in for a Hysterosalpingography at 10:40 on Friday. I have to go into Radiology for this test. If you get excited you can Google it. It is probably going to be a little uncomfortable......


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