Monday, March 11, 2013

Snowday Sunday

On Saturday everything was melting and Spring felt soooooo incredibly close.  We woke up Sunday morning to crazy amounts of snow falling.  It snowed almost all day.  What does one do when it snows???!!!!!  RUN ERRANDS of course!

For some weird reason, Mac decided to sit this way.....

One of the errands was to Lowes to pick up wood.  We are going to start building Mac's big boy bed and some crates for his closet for his clothes since we are not going to build him a dresser.  I am REALLY excited to see how all of this turns out.  Joe did such a good job on the gallery ledges that I know this is going to work out for us.  Mac was getting a little sleepy in Lowes but I did not really expect this....when we got home.

Once Mac went to bed for the night, I started cleaning and Joe went out to the garage to begin cutting up the wood to the correct sizes.

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