Sunday, March 3, 2013

Weekend recap

So I was slightly lazy in the blog posting over this weekend.  My bad.

Saturday we got up to a lazy morning.  Joe picked us up some donuts from Dino's Donuts (DELISH).  Mac and I spent some lazy time in the recliner....

We moved Mac's train set upstairs to the guest bedroom.....

 I got to looking on Craigslist at the garage sales and we decided we were going to go check some out.  We scored: some crystal jars, glass storage jars, binders, and a sander.  I had a coupon for Michael's pictures frames so we went there as well.  I placed an order to have some of our Christmas professional pictures printed.  (post to come on that later)

Saturday night we went to our friend's Caryn and Nick's place for dinner.  The kids went nuts!  We had an impromptu dance party...

Sunday morning was another lazy day.  Mac and I again spent time in the recliner.

After lazy time, we headed to Costco and the grocery store.  Apparently, those errands wore Mac out....

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