Monday, March 25, 2013


The snow started yesterday (Sunday) and is currently still going.  We were originally supposed to get 12-18 inches but I do believe we are going to go over that.  We already have over 12 inches and it is still coming down.  The snow is supposed to continue through the night.  This is going to be interesting.

Driving to work sucked.  I couldn't see anything so I just looked at the front end of my car.  However, when I got to work they had less snow on that side of town than the Southside where we live.  The drive home was a different story.  I couldn't see ANYTHING at all.  I questioned where the road was on the entire way home.  I pulled into my neighborhood and then questioned where my driveway was.  Roads were awful.  Positive was that when Joe and Mac got home.....we went to play in it.


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