Sunday, March 31, 2013


As I am typing this, the sun is shining and my boys are laying next to me snoring.  Life is good.

Mac tore into his Easter baskets this morning.  He demolished a LOT of gummies and then discovered a love for Reese bunnies.

We got ready to head to Nick and Caryn's grandparents house for Easter lunch.  Mac hadn't napped yet....

We got over to Jack and Linda's house.  Mac immediately found the toys.  He was riding this little car thing around.  And then he rode it down a couple of stairs.  Mac was super cranky so we were only able to stay a big whoppin hour and a half.

View from Jack and Linda's house.

When we left, we decided to drive down to Girdwood to try to get Godzilla to go to sleep.  We almost got all the way back to our house before he actually went to sleep!  That baby.  The views on the drive were completely gorgeous.  It is days like this that I adore living in Alaska.  No where else could you see views like this.

Sneaky sneaky.

And he finally went to sleep.....

See?  I told you I was sitting here listening to them snore.

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