Monday, March 11, 2013

First official day of my spring break

I did not have to work today.  THANK GOODNESS!  Today is my first official day of spring break and it was awesome.  I was able to sleep until 8:30.....however, I woke up to a YELLING Mac.  He rotated being super happy and super unhappy.  We had a pretty good time playing until I put him down for a nap around 11:30.  He only napped for like an hour.......

We had a fun time playing with hangers.  Who needs toys when you have hangers??????

When Joe got home, we ran BACK to Lowes.  (we spend a lot of time in Lowes)  We needed some more wood, chalk paint, and another sample paint to figure out what color we are going to make Mac's big boy room.  I think we are going with Valspar's Stone Mason Grey.  It is kind of dark but Mac's comforter looks good against it.

We started putting together dinner when we got home.  Cubed steak with gravy (in slow cooker).....sauteed green beans (which Mac decided to eat raw green beans while we were cooking).....and twisted Mac and Cheese (had hot sauce and red pepper in it).  DINNER WAS DELISH!  Mac ate a bite of everything!  I was so excited that not only did he eat beans but he also ate mac and cheese!

After dinner, it was Mac's bathtime but he decided it was time to sit on the potty.

He has a new favorite song....Gummy Bear song.  I have no idea what the real name is but he loves it.  The only time he is going to be allowed to watch/listen to that song is on the toilet.

Apparently he likes to dance to that song while on the toilet.......

But guess what????????  Mac peed in the toilet for the first time!  Granted it was not much but we made a really big deal out of it!

We had some play time after the bath.  He got one of his play drills and decided to "fix" Joe's head....

Guess I better stop blogging and go help Joe in the garage.  I am about to paint some crates with chalk paint!!!!!!!

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