Saturday, March 9, 2013

Home expo and a sleepy toddler

I have been REALLY excited all week about this day.  Today we went to the Home and Garden Expo.  Seriously.  I was really excited.  Our friends Sarah and Lee came over to go with us!  Caryn and Nick took Mac with them to Wasilla so we could actually focus on house stuff.  We had a GREAT time!  I have lots of plans for our house and now we know of even more resources available (plus I put our names in like every drawing that was being done).

Caryn sent me a video of Godzilla and a picture.  They went out to Wasilla to look at Nick's mom's new house.  Mac apparently really enjoyed running amuck in a large empty house.  On the way back they stopped at a pizza place for lunch.......

Nick and Caryn hung out at the house for a little bit (we watched some Duck Dynasty).  The toddlers ran around and played.  They started seriously slowing down because neither one of them had really taken a nap today.  After they left, Mac and I got some good cuddle time on the sofa.  Mostly because he was exhausted.

About five minutes after I took this picture, Mac laid over me and fell asleep.  It has been a LONG time since he actually fell asleep on me.  I LOVED it!  I seriously could have sat there with him laying on me all night.  However, we ended up putting him in his bed around 5:30 because he had started sweating.....I love him tremendously.  He never fails to crack me up with his random quotes and phrases.  I loved even more the fact that he fell asleep on me.  I just stared at him for a while.  I love looking at him, which is probably weird but he is my child and it makes me happy to see him.

Seriously.  Look at how sweet that face is.

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