Sunday, March 31, 2013


I cannot wait until Mac's big boy room is completely done.  Until then....I am creating stuff to go on his walls!  We bought the paint over the weekend.  Joe has finished the headboard.

I created some new "arty" corkboards.  We had these 2 corkboards just hanging out in our office and I really hated them in there.  Oh wait, I hate everything that is in our office/laundry room. I decided to paint some stripes on them and repurpose them in Mac's big boy bedroom.

This was SUPER easy.  I literally just taped off different lines with painters tape.

Slapped some yellow paint on it.  Removed the tape while it was still wet and VOILA!


As I am typing this, the sun is shining and my boys are laying next to me snoring.  Life is good.

Mac tore into his Easter baskets this morning.  He demolished a LOT of gummies and then discovered a love for Reese bunnies.

We got ready to head to Nick and Caryn's grandparents house for Easter lunch.  Mac hadn't napped yet....

We got over to Jack and Linda's house.  Mac immediately found the toys.  He was riding this little car thing around.  And then he rode it down a couple of stairs.  Mac was super cranky so we were only able to stay a big whoppin hour and a half.

View from Jack and Linda's house.

When we left, we decided to drive down to Girdwood to try to get Godzilla to go to sleep.  We almost got all the way back to our house before he actually went to sleep!  That baby.  The views on the drive were completely gorgeous.  It is days like this that I adore living in Alaska.  No where else could you see views like this.

Sneaky sneaky.

And he finally went to sleep.....

See?  I told you I was sitting here listening to them snore.

We live in the land of awesome.

We have great friends.  We are definitely blessed by living in the land of awesome with our friends and family!

On Friday, Sarah and Lee came over for dinner.  We had steaks and potatoes and bacon wrapped mushrooms.  We just sat around was good times!

Saturday was a PACKED day!  Mac watched Cars 2 while we got dressed....

We went to the mall to get some more make up for me (score for free lipstick!).  We stopped by this Hawaiian themed coffee shack....look how cute!

And was Cayla's 2nd birthday party time!  Mac was super excited because he LOVES LOVES LOVES the Homerding family!

Mac LOVED the balloons!

Birthday girl!

My camera died during the present opening experience so hopefully I can later get the pictures from Caryn and Nick.  Mac decorated his first Easter eggs at their house!  He also had a great time playing with the desk chair....

We didn't leave until almost 8 so by the time we got home this was our sight.....

Thursday, March 28, 2013


I love my family.  I love my husband (even though I woke up mad at him because he was a butthead in my dream).  I love my Mac.  Both of my boys make a bad day awesome!

Know what else I love?  A bubble bath.  And that's where I am headed...

Mac's crates

Since we are re-doing the furniture (well, heck, Mac's entire bedroom), we decided that instead of building Mac a new dresser that we would just re-purpose his closet.  We fixed the heights of his built-in which left us an entire shelf of usable space for his "dresser clothes."  The problem we had was that we didn't want to spend a ridiculous amount on crates or baskets to put his "dresser clothes."

Solution?  Ana White's DIY wooden crates....complete with chalkboard space to label what is in the crate.

Joe built the crate as per the directions on Ana White's website.  I painted a piece of wood with chalkboard paint so I can label what's in his crates.  Joe conditioned the wood and the first stain that went on was called American Walnut.  On top of that was a white washing stain (all of the conditioner and stains were by Minwax).  Lastly, Joe applied a wax to the crates to seal everything!

I still want to have at least 2 more crates for his pants and shorts.  Maybe another one for his shoes????

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A little behind. Whoopsie.

The sun is shining.  So pretty outside on all of the fresh snowfall!

Look at Mac's ginormous feet!!!!  Yup those jokers are size 8s.  Big boy.

At one point yesterday, Mac ran upstairs and things got really quiet.  Normally quiet in general is good...unless you have a toddler!  But ya know what?  He was totally fine.  He was just having a great time playing in his room.

Yesterday, Mac was what is known as the poop master.  OH MY GOODNESS.  We threw him in the tub because he didn't smell so great.  What does he do while he is in the tub?  He color codes his bath tub foam letters.  I have no idea where he gets that from..... ;)

Wednesdays are my long, busy days at work so Joe gets Mac ready for the day.  I had Mac's clothes picked out for the week....which apparently Joe did not pay attention to.  That man!  But he did dress Mac in one of his cute new Braves shirts (Thanks MoeMoe!).

Joe and I like to spend our afternoons playing with Mac (let's be honest, that's the BEST part of my entire day).  The fun game Joe played with Mac today was "keep away cell phone"....

Mac got it though and has since been watching old school Daffy Duck cartoons!