Thursday, August 16, 2012


Today was my first day back at work.  Oh my am I tired!  I sat through a TON of meetings and I still have a TON more to go!  I have so much I need to do to get ready.....

Here is my list:
Clean room
Decorate walls
Make copies
Make lesson plans for first week
Make 16 mini science lesson plans
Get caseload together
Get caseload paperwork together
Contact regular education teachers
Figure out what subject books I need
Get IEP calendar together

AND SO IT GOES ON.....I actually have a pretty good feeling about school this year.  I am a little frazzled because I have never started the year off this not prepared but.....I still have a good feeling!  Hopefully that stays!  Maybe I will take a picture of my classroom.....MAYBE.  It is not a cute, happy teacher-y place.  I teach high school kids in an old science lab.  There is no way to make that attractive.

Our friend Caryn took care of Mac today because Erica is on vacation.  She texted me this picture today.....

That's all I got.  Wish me luck tomorrow...I am in a meeting from 7:30 until 11:30 (yup you read that correctly)....

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