Thursday, August 9, 2012

I need to stop googling

Mac had a great day!  He cracks me up because he likes to climb into his high chair to just hang out.  This morning he watched tv in his high chair....

Something crazy happened this morning....we had a 4.86 earthquake!!!!!  Mac completely ignored it and Bella barked.  It was just a gentle rolling shake.  Fun!

I moved some of Mac's furniture again.  This time all I moved was his dresser and his reading area.  Now I like it the best!  I have started to decide what I want to do with the walls....another Pinterest project coming up for his reading corner!  WHENEVER I/we get it done I will post a blog about it!

Mac "helped" again but then he would run off to watch tv or read!

Mac ate lunch and then we headed outside for some good sunshine play time!  I LOVE LOVE LOVE having a yard for us to go into.  It is a great thing!

After Joe got home, we headed to Lowes and Michaels.  Joe got some power tools to use to build the patio furniture (he is so excited about the tools) and I got some stuff for Mac's Reading wall project from Michaels!  Mac was a little...ummmm.....Energized? while we were in Lowes.  I finally just put him on my shoulders.  He then tried to rip my head off.  Literally.  Then he discovered that I had my pearl earrings in and started playing with that....

Our next door neighbor's have a raspberry bush that is going over our fence so Joe went out and picked some of the raspberries and got 1 TEENY TINY strawberry off of his plant.  I am going to puree the raspberries with some blueberries and freeze it to go into Mac's muffins.  I buy muffin mix and then add a veggie puree and a fruit puree to it.  I cook it and then I freeze it to eat later.  It is soooo easy to just pop those jokers (already cooked) into the microwave and eat!

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