Friday, August 10, 2012

Freezer Meals

I have decided that freezing meals in advance is going to get us through the school year.  Joe and I are really trying to eat better and to be healthier.  This is a way for us to do that even on the days that I have nothing left in me to cook!  I talked with my friend Caryn and we are going to do a freezer meal swap.  I keep a bag of the frozen meal for us and then I give her the other one.  I chose to do Taco Soup and Cafe Rio Crockpot Chicken for this meal swap (recipe to follow).

I was kind of an overachiever today.  I made all sorts of meals to freeze.  I need to do a better job of actually eating breakfast/lunch when I go back to work so I am hoping making grab and go freezer food for breakfast will help that out.

We used regular bacon instead of Canadian bacon.

While I was cooking, I went ahead and put together what we are going to have tomorrow for dinner (Sweet and Sour Chicken).  I figure we will only eat like half of this tomorrow so into the freezer it will also go!

I also added in pureed veggies into the Cafe Rio Chicken and the Taco Soup.  I find it is a good way to get veggies in to meals.  I also made another round of meatballs because we ran out yesterday.  I just use a pound of hamburger meat, mixed with Kraft's Fresh Take, and a 1/2 cup pureed veggie in it.  Bake for 20 minutes and done!  Those also got frozen.  I use meatballs at least once a week so it is nice to always have them in stock!

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