Thursday, August 23, 2012

Joe's River Dance

Today, Joe got home with Mac before I got home from work...and then his softball games for tonight were canceled because we have had crazy rain.  When I walked in, Mac was eating a snack and he wanted to feed me some too because every now and then he is good with sharing....

 Joe left to go get some snails, hermits, and some coral. While he was gone....Mac....kind of face planted in our hallway.  He hit his face pretty good and bled.  A lot.  He wouldn't let me look at his face and he definitely didn't want me to hold him.  He wouldn't let me put ice on his face so I gave him something cold to drink.  He seriously only cried (screamed) for 2 minutes....maybe 3 minutes.  His lip is a little swollen but he still wanted to eat dinner and went back to playing.  He gets super clumsy when he is when he fell again (this time he didn't hit anything important) we decided it was bedtime....

Then.  We decided that we would watch our recorded version of "So You Think You Can Dance" from last night.  Joe decided he would show me his version of "dancing" by river dancing....ummmmmmm.........OH MY GOODNESS.  Go ahead.  Start laughing.  You can do it out loud as well....

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