Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Mommy monster!

I am an awesome mommy monster.  I say it in a funny voice and then chase Mac around.  Mac thinks it is great fun!  And there is NOTHING better than his belly laughs!  I got home a little late from work today (one of my kiddos was signing up to take the ACT and that form is a GIANT pain in the butt) and Joe was home playing with the big man.  The meatballs we were having for dinner were already in the oven and our house smelled AMAZING.

We had some great family time running around and playing.  It is the best way to end my day!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Weekend roundup

I am not very good at keeping up with this now that I am back at work....I sorry.

Saturday: We played around the house for a little bit and ran some errands.  Our friends Sarah and Lee came over to keep us company while Joe installed the new kitchen sink faucet.  After that was done we headed over to their house for steaks!  I find it HILARIOUS watching Mac with their dog Kyla.  She is a little rambunctious and she likes to lick him and sometimes knock him down.  He didn't get mad at her or cry or anything!

Sunday:  For some reason, Joe let me sleep in while he took care of Mac and cooked us waffles for breakfast!  Mac wanted to help us "clean" and had a great time dragging around the broom.  And then eating the broom.  Sunday was kind of busy and I didn't get to spend much time around Mac.  I went to my friend Steph's baby shower and then I had my hair colored.  It had been SOOOOO long since I have had my hair done that it took a long time....

Friday, August 24, 2012


Bah.  That is how Mac says "bite."  So cute.

He was SUPER cranky when he got home.  I distracted him with a ziploc bag while we were waiting for his chicken nuggets....

Then we went for a ride to get some chinese food....Pants off dance off!

On a house note....Joe is installing a new kitchen sink!  Hopefully that means our sink stops leaking!  Sorry this is not much news but I am trying to get this post done before my computer dies!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Joe's River Dance

Today, Joe got home with Mac before I got home from work...and then his softball games for tonight were canceled because we have had crazy rain.  When I walked in, Mac was eating a snack and he wanted to feed me some too because every now and then he is good with sharing....

 Joe left to go get some snails, hermits, and some coral. While he was gone....Mac....kind of face planted in our hallway.  He hit his face pretty good and bled.  A lot.  He wouldn't let me look at his face and he definitely didn't want me to hold him.  He wouldn't let me put ice on his face so I gave him something cold to drink.  He seriously only cried (screamed) for 2 minutes....maybe 3 minutes.  His lip is a little swollen but he still wanted to eat dinner and went back to playing.  He gets super clumsy when he is sleepy.....so when he fell again (this time he didn't hit anything important) we decided it was bedtime....

Then.  We decided that we would watch our recorded version of "So You Think You Can Dance" from last night.  Joe decided he would show me his version of "dancing" by river dancing....ummmmmmm.........OH MY GOODNESS.  Go ahead.  Start laughing.  You can do it out loud as well....

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Big man

Mac cracks me up.  Right now his favorite adult is Joe.  He has turned into a little daddy's boy....not sure how I feel about my little man wanting his daddy more than me....but I figure eventually the tides will turn and he will prefer me!

Our little man spaced out to The Big Bang Theory.....love that baby!

In order to make up for not doing a blog post for a couple of days.....I......took......VIDEOS!

Mac going to the doctor's

Yesterday, Mac had his 18 month appointment at the doctor's.  He was in a great mood on the way to the doctor's office....

He had a grand time running around the doctor's office but was NOT happy when she had to do her exam.  He even freaked out when he had to be weighed.

Mac's Stats:
Height 33 inches (75% percentile)
Weight 31.5 pounds (90% percentile)

Mac also had to get a shot.  ONLY ONE though!  This time he got the shot in his arm rather than his leg.  He did not like the shot at all and clung to Joe.  Dr. Karaganis gave Mac a popsicle (which he wasn't sure what to do with....)......


WHOOPSIE! I have not been so good on the blog posting.  In my defense, it has been a crazy start to the school year! We get students tomorrow!  OH MY.

Over the weekend, Joe had his state softball tournament.  Mac and I went on Sunday (the weather has been gross).  It was CRAZY windy though!

Mac had a great time over the weekend playing with toilet paper....watching tv....and just hanging out!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Fire pits and cuddling time

Last night, the Homerding's (Nick, Caryn, and Cayla) stayed over.  There was pizza and beer....and then a DIY fire pit that the boys decided was a great idea....

This morning Joe had to get up pretty early because today was the start of his softball championship.  He won both of his games this morning and he has more games to play tomorrow!  This morning Mac and I spent some awesome time cuddling on the sofa!  I enjoyed it immensely!