Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Yesterday & Today

Get ready to be photo bombed.

Yesterday, my mama and my daddy left.  I was not happy.  Yesterday we also took Nora back to the doctor for her other check up.  We go back at her one month appointment.  She weighed a big whopping 8 and a half pounds.  GO ON BIG GIRL!

Today, we got off to a good start.  That is about it.  Nora has been an eating machine today and was awake for a LONG LONG LONG time.  Mac was the devil.  He was rude, mean, argumentative, had NUMEROUS potty accidents, threw lots of temper tantrums.  Shoot me now.  However, we did get off to a good start at least....

In between one of Nora's numerous feeding times, she spent some time playing on a pallet on the floor and in the sun.  She liked being in the sun.

Mac did take a nap today which was amazing....for me.  I looked in the monitor at him and this is what I saw.....can you spy Mac???

When Joe got home, he spent some time on the sofa with the babies.....Mac even shared his bopey with Nora....

Joe put up Nora's floor gym (thanks Amy!) so that Nora could have something to look at while playing on the floor.  Mac helped.

After the Godzilla went to bed, we gave Nora a bath.  She is not at all a fan of baths.  AT ALL.

I got some snuggles in while drying her off.  She does like her head being rubbed....

So right now Nora's hair is straight but I am pretty sure she is going to get the curls too.  Her hair gets crazy after her bath!!!!

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