Friday, June 27, 2014

Blog Post Titles

I really suck at blog post titles.  As in not successful with it at all.  Some of the blogs that I follow have cutesy titles....some use song lyrics.  I got nothing.  So here is the recap of the past two days.

Yesterday we snuggled.  We went upstairs where my kiddos watched tv in our bed while I did laundry.

I got my hair did.  I am now more blonde.  Gotta cover that white hair.  Mac went to soccer practice.  He chose to wear his train conductor hat with his dinosaur rain coat.  While at practice (Nora and I did not go as it has been raining nonstop), Mac and his friend Oliver were making it rain grass.  Weird kids.

Last night, I had the first shift of getting up with Nora.  She sucked down 4 ounces (go on big girl!) and it took a little bit to get her back to sleep.  By the time I got her back to sleep, I was wide awake and it took even longer to get me to sleep.  Suffice it to say....I am pretty dang tired today.  Two thermoses of coffee did nada for me.  I am pretty sure that I have not had a shower or put on deoderent.  I definitely do not have makeup on.  Lady of the year right here.

Tonight, Joe had a late softball game so I stayed home with the kiddos.  Mac watched his shows.  Nora played.  After Mac went to bed, Nora did some catnapping in my lap.  She did some catnapping and some passing gas (Mac has informed me that only boys fart).

I am a little sad.  We were planning on redoing our decks this weekend.  Stupid weather is not at all cooperating.

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