Saturday, June 21, 2014


I discovered the way to get laundry folded while having two kids around.  Turn on Disney Junior upstairs.  Mac snuggles in our bed.  Nora likes to lay in our bed.  BOOM.  Laundry can get done!

Before Mac got up, I got some awesome snuggles in with the little girl.  She has a big awake time first thing in the morning.  I have discovered that I need to put my morning coffee in a travel thermos and then I don't have to worry about spilling.  SUCCESS.

While everyone napped on Friday, I (with the help from Amy) made a birth announcement.  All I need to do now is order them....maybe that is what I will do when I get done blogging.....

When Joe got home, he also got in some Nora snuggles.  She has been sleeping a good bit!

Oh, and I loaded all of the newborn session pictures to Shutterfly so if you would like to order any let me know and I will just email you the link!  They are sooooo sweet!

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