Sunday, June 22, 2014

Rocket Launches & Birthdays

As I am typing this, I am listening to my husband and my daughter snore.  Mac is watching Disney Junior.  Life is happy.  This morning we went to the firestation.  Afterwards, we headed to get the men haircuts.  Mac got a balloon and no longer has a curly afro!

When we got home, it was way too nice to go inside so the boys headed outside to shoot off a rocket.  It is a stomp rocket launcher thing.  Mac loved it!

Even little Miss Nora got some sunshine time!

Mac and Nora got some quality snuggle time on our bed.  Watching them lay around together makes me smile.  Nora loves looking at him!

This is where they were at while we got ready to go to a birthday party.  I am pretty sure we are becoming professional birthday party goers.  A friend of Joe's little boy turned 3 and so went over to their house.  Mac had a great time playing with David!

I guess I probably should go give my Mac a bath now..........

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