Sunday, June 22, 2014

I'm a Firefighter

This morning we met up with some other littles and toured Firestation #15.  Aimee (Oliver's mom) set it up.  The kiddos didn't pay too much attention at first.  We were in the conference room area and the firefighters were talking about safety.  They definitely paid WAY more attention when we headed to the weight room/workout room and even more so when we went outside to where the firetrucks were!  Mac got extremely excited whenever a firefighter would open any door on the firetruck.  It was extremely cute!  The kids were able to get inside the firetruck to take pictures too!  We were able to see where the firefighters sleep when they are on duty.  All in all it was an awesome time!  Plus it was totally free and entertaining to the kiddos.  Mac got a sticker, plastic firefighter hat, and a coloring book before we left.  Love random things like this!  (oh and Nora went as well!)

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