Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Coffee Thermos

I have discovered the best way for me to have my morning coffee is in a travel thermos.  That way I can drink it while holding Nora and I don't have to worry about Mac knocking it life is much happier when coffee is involved.

Here is some pictures of morning snuggles with Nora (while Godzilla is running amuck playing with his toys or watching his "shows")

Yesterday, we got a package in the mail and Mac got a big brother book which he loved....

When Joe got home he played around with Nora on the bed.....

and then he went and got Mac up from his nap....

and then we all spent time playing on the floor....

Mac even spent some time playing on a "trampoline" aka Bella's bed....

Godzilla even had a good time destroying his room.....

whew, this mommy is tired. nora has been eating nonstop and been a little fussy.  as i am no longer using capital letters you could go ahead and assume that i am holding her and only typing with one hand.....

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