Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Today was no bueno.  Seriously.  This is my LONG day (I go in at 645 and I have kids until 3).  What made this day even more NO BUENO was the almost fight a teacher friend and I broke up.  Gotta love out of control high school boys while they are yelling profanity.  It makes me feel better knowing though that one of my giant 6th period boys came out in the hall to check on us.  I guess he thought we were about to be killed.  He did go running down the hall to get us security though.  This will be the 2nd (yup 2nd) altercation that I have had to break up in the past 2 weeks.  After that fun incident, I had one of my 6th period kids go off on me.  Awesome day.  Just awesome.

Then Joe brought a SCREAMING Mac home.  I gave him milk and we were good.  That baby just makes me smile.  He wore the cutest little outfit today....khaki cords and a greenish polo with his loafers.  SOOOO cute!

He also wanted to take some videos.  He loves the front facing camera on my phone because he can see himself...thus the reason he does a lot of nodding.

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