Saturday, September 8, 2012


And we won!  Thank goodness!

This morning when Mac got up he had CRAZY hair.  I mean he usually has crazy hair but NOTHING like it was this morning.  I tried to get a picture of it but I was not really successful.

Mac had a scrambled egg, rice chex, milk, and biscuits and gravy for breakfast.  Technically he got "bih" of biscuits and gravy from off of our plates.  He loves some biscuits and gravy.  Silly boy.  After he got done grazing....he played!

When Mac went down for a nap, I ran to Michael's to get a 11X14 picture frame for our room and another candle wax warmer that was actually pretty.  I also went by Pier1 imports.  I forgot how much I LOVE that place!  I got straw fillers for our big milk jug (I put it on the stairs in a corner).  I also got a glass dispenser thing for our kitchen soap.  I plan on using mason jars to dispense soap in the bathrooms and for the hand soap in the kitchen.  Lastly, I got a set of coasters that some of our friends have that Joe decided he really liked.  

When I got home, Joe decided to go up on the roof to start replacing the numerous shingles that we lost during the "hurricane."  I held the ladder.  After Mac got up, he ate a lunch of grilled cheese and then we headed outside to play while Joe was on the roof....

Here is Joe on the roof.....

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