Sunday, September 9, 2012

Weekend on the roof!

I spent a lot of time on the roof this weekend. After getting a quote from a contractor for repairing our roof shingles (ripoff), I decided I would do it myself. It went pretty well after I figured out what I was doing! Here's some pictures of the almost finished product.
 I was going to finish the shingles pictured above, but I came across a huge yellow jacket nest! I decided it would not be ok to hammer on the roof next to this thing... So I will wait until we find a store that has RAID in stock. We literally went to 3 different stores looking for it and they were all sold out. DANG!

Here's an update to our saltwater tank. I added a new piece of coral! Its called Xenia and it looks like little hands grabbing at the water for food (they are filter feeders). It is on a black piece plastic because the fish store guy had to cut it off to get the coral out.


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