Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My day with sick boys

I did not sleep last night.  Joe was in our bed (I was not fixing to sleep there because I cannot get the cooties) so I slept downstairs on the sofa.  Or at least I planned to sleep downstairs on the sofa...

Around 1:30 in the morning, I heard Joe throwing up and Mac in his crib.  Good thing I wasn't asleep.  So I go upstairs.  I made the executive decision to sleep in the guest room.  I did not sleep very well.

When Mac got up he still didn't feel good.  He didn't want to eat and just spent time cuddling on Joe.  Joe woke up feeling much better though (at least at first).

Around 1130 Joe started feeling bad so he went back upstairs to sleep until 3.  Luckily, Mac started feeling better.  Unfortunately, Mac was super sleepy and REFUSED to go to sleep.  REFUSED.  He has also had NO interest in food.  I was able to get him to eat a ritz cracker and like 2 bites of bread.  He has lots of water going in though.  

Thank goodness for the sanitize cycle of our awesome washing machine.  It has been getting definite usage today.  I am exhausted.  Tomorrow, I can't take off from work because we have Open House at the school.  I will be at work tomorrow from 7 am until close to 8 pm.  This week sucks.  Just saying.

Fingers crossed that everyone gets to feeling better!

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