Sunday, September 2, 2012

Cash Blog 2.0

I am going to try this again....hopefully I don't kill the blog again on accident.  Whoopsie.

This morning we spent some time playing upstairs.  Joe wanted to clean the carpets upstairs so Mac and I played in his room.  He discovered the ottoman and had a great time standing and playing on it.

I tried to get videos on him playing on the ottoman....

Mac got a little irritated with me at one point because I wouldn't give him my cell phone so this is the face that I saw....

At one point this morning Mac and Joe were hanging out on the sofa watching sweet!

Mac really loves the glass railing that goes up the stairs.  I tried to get a picture of his face SUPER smushed up against the railing but I was only able to get a little smushed up face....and a gigantic smile!

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