Sunday, September 23, 2012

Housewarming party!

On Saturday we had our first housewarming party!  I sent out handmade invitations about a month prior and I think every single person we invited came!  Joe and I are very blessed with awesome friends up here!

Food wise:
ribs, corned beef cheese ball, redneck caviar, cheesecake cookies, cheese dip, mixed fruit, cornbread casserole, Caryn brought her amazing strawberry shortcake (I will be getting that recipe one day), beer, water, soft drinks, juice

Our amazing guests:

  • Caryn and Nick with their daughter Cayla (18 months)
  • Sarah
  • Megan
  • Anna with her son Liam (16 months)
  • Stephanie and Cody with their 2 week year old little boy named Brandon
  • Marcelo and his wife and 11 year old son
  • Stephen (our real estate agent) and his wife Stephanie and their 3 year old son William
  • Lisa, Judd (her husband), Miles (her 3 year old), and her 4 month old baby Emerson
  • Kris and his girlfriend
  • Ryan

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