Monday, September 24, 2012

We got a package!

So we LOVE getting packages in the mail!  Today's package came from my parents!  It included Mac's first book bag.....and a ton of UGA Nike outfits (LOVE his track suits)!  They also sent a little white Ford F150 for Mac to play with.  He LOVED that truck.  Mama also sent me her recipe ceramic box.  It has always made me smile and now it has a place of honor on our kitchen window sill.

Here is Mac with his new bookbag....

I don't know if you can tell in the above picture but Mac is already trying to get his truck out of the box.  Joe was able to get it out and then Mac played.  And played.  And played.  He was in an awesome mood today and behaved very well for Erica.

Tomorrow, Joe has to do his presentation so he gave me a fashion show to decide what to wear.  What we have discovered is it is time for Joe to have a new suit.  He has lost so much weight that his old suits tend to just hang on him.....I am so proud of him for putting together a presentation and being able to speak in front of like 800 people.  I am sure he is going to do a great job!  I guess he will fill us in tomorrow night as to how his presentation goes....fingers crossed.....

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