Sunday, September 2, 2012

ABC wall

I got this idea from Pinterest and I thought it would be AWESOME to do in Mac's rooms.  His walls are sooooo bare!

I decided to do our own version of it to go on Mac's walls with the windows....that way it is right over the reading area!  We bought the different letters from Michaels and I got busy painting! After I got everything painted, we had a conundrum.  How in the world were we going to hang the letters on the wall?  We couldn't nail the letters to the walls because they would split soooo.....we decided to use the 3m wall hang-y things that you see in commercials.  It was kind of disappointing.  About 6 letters fell off the wall before I even got all of the letters up.  AAAAHHHHH.  We had to go back today and put more of the tape-y stuff up on the wall to hold the letters.  I managed to get a picture of it before "A" and "P" fell off.....dang I don't know what we are going to do......

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