Sunday, September 30, 2012

I am awesomeness

Today I felt like awesomeness.  Mac let us sleep until 9:30!  Yeah, you heard right.  9:30.  We got a TON done today.  Joe kept cleaning out the garage.  He got the firewood moved into the garage.  He cleaned out the camper.  He cleaned the floors.  He also talked to a Lowes guy about snowblowers.  We are going to use part of our PFD to buy a snowblower because apparently we are going to need one this year.....

I cleaned the kitchen numerous times.  I cooked a whole bunch.  I continued doing laundry.  I made a new frame thing for our bedroom.....

Mac was so silly today.  He was getting into everything.  I honestly have no idea how we got everything done because he was all over the place. At one point he was literally just racing around the hallway.  He got into the newspapers.....had a great time.

Saturday, September 29, 2012


Last night we went to bed to heavy rain.  We woke up this morning to snow.  Seriously.  I saw everyone's facebook statuses were about snow but I really didn't think I would go downstairs and see an inch of snow on our back porch.  CRAZY.  

Today, Joe and I decided to compromise on what clothes we put Mac in.  We ended up going with Georgia Tech pajama pants and a UGA jersey with a grey shirt underneath.  Mac, for some reason, likes to make this stubborn-y face now.  I don't really get it....

Later on this morning, I decided to read my gossip magazine.  Mac decided he needed to read too so he crawled up on the sofa next to me and read as well.  Bella decided she would join in as well....

Mac was in a great mood today.  He played and laughed.  I got this adorable video of Joe tossing Mac in the air!

Despite the crazy weather start we had, the sun came out and everything melted.  Weird Alaska weather.  We took a family outing to Sports Authority (I need new snow boots to wear into my school) and was completely unsuccessful.  We then went to Bed, Bath, & Beyond.  We were a little more successful there.  We got new pillows!  Then, we headed to Target.  Target is a dangerous place.  We went into Target to look at throw pillows (which we didn't find) and came out with 2 tshirts for Mac, 2 framed corkboards, pushpins, and a truck for Mac that plays "pump up the jam."  Target is dangerous!  The tshirts that we bought Mac make me giggle....

Joe cleaned out the garage while Mac took a over 2 hour nap!  I cleaned and reorganized parts of our laundry room/office.  When Mac finally woke up, Joe went up on the roof to keep working on the shingles...Mac played.  A lot.  He did eventually slow down but he didn't go to bed until like 745.  Way past his bedtime!

Friday, September 28, 2012

The most awesome baby!

Mac is the most awesome baby.  Even when he is the devil.  AWESOME baby.

He was even good for Erica least that is what Joe told me.  The pictures above are when we were getting him dressed this morning to go to Erica's.  He woke up in a super good mood.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Today was no bueno.  Seriously.  This is my LONG day (I go in at 645 and I have kids until 3).  What made this day even more NO BUENO was the almost fight a teacher friend and I broke up.  Gotta love out of control high school boys while they are yelling profanity.  It makes me feel better knowing though that one of my giant 6th period boys came out in the hall to check on us.  I guess he thought we were about to be killed.  He did go running down the hall to get us security though.  This will be the 2nd (yup 2nd) altercation that I have had to break up in the past 2 weeks.  After that fun incident, I had one of my 6th period kids go off on me.  Awesome day.  Just awesome.

Then Joe brought a SCREAMING Mac home.  I gave him milk and we were good.  That baby just makes me smile.  He wore the cutest little outfit today....khaki cords and a greenish polo with his loafers.  SOOOO cute!

He also wanted to take some videos.  He loves the front facing camera on my phone because he can see himself...thus the reason he does a lot of nodding.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

boogie wipes

Today, I got to pick Mac up from Erica.  Joe had his presentation and wouldn't be out in time (more on that later as I am sure I can convince Joe to post about it)!  Mac seemed super sleepy in the car which would make sense since he did not want to really nap for Erica today.  Sometimes I feel really bad about that.  Sometimes I feel like we might possibly have the "bad" baby at daycare to which Erica replied "all the babies have their 'thing'".  But here an is adorable picture of Mac just hanging out in one of his new tracksuits...

When we got home, he ate a hot dog (yes I am an awesome parent).  And then it was game on.  No lie. He ran and played all over the place.  We then headed upstairs so I could do some of his laundry....he got into the boogie wipes when I was not paying attention and pulled every single one of them out....

He then decided it would be awesome to chase Bella (which she also loved and that is not sarcasm).  Bella kept running under Mac's crib so he decided to follow....

He then decided to climb on his ottoman and for some weird his boopy.  Silly baby.

Joe brought home a "swag bag" and there was some cool stuff in it.  One of the things in it was the directory for the conference....check it out.

Monday, September 24, 2012

We got a package!

So we LOVE getting packages in the mail!  Today's package came from my parents!  It included Mac's first book bag.....and a ton of UGA Nike outfits (LOVE his track suits)!  They also sent a little white Ford F150 for Mac to play with.  He LOVED that truck.  Mama also sent me her recipe ceramic box.  It has always made me smile and now it has a place of honor on our kitchen window sill.

Here is Mac with his new bookbag....

I don't know if you can tell in the above picture but Mac is already trying to get his truck out of the box.  Joe was able to get it out and then Mac played.  And played.  And played.  He was in an awesome mood today and behaved very well for Erica.

Tomorrow, Joe has to do his presentation so he gave me a fashion show to decide what to wear.  What we have discovered is it is time for Joe to have a new suit.  He has lost so much weight that his old suits tend to just hang on him.....I am so proud of him for putting together a presentation and being able to speak in front of like 800 people.  I am sure he is going to do a great job!  I guess he will fill us in tomorrow night as to how his presentation goes....fingers crossed.....

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Housewarming party!

On Saturday we had our first housewarming party!  I sent out handmade invitations about a month prior and I think every single person we invited came!  Joe and I are very blessed with awesome friends up here!

Food wise:
ribs, corned beef cheese ball, redneck caviar, cheesecake cookies, cheese dip, mixed fruit, cornbread casserole, Caryn brought her amazing strawberry shortcake (I will be getting that recipe one day), beer, water, soft drinks, juice

Our amazing guests:

  • Caryn and Nick with their daughter Cayla (18 months)
  • Sarah
  • Megan
  • Anna with her son Liam (16 months)
  • Stephanie and Cody with their 2 week year old little boy named Brandon
  • Marcelo and his wife and 11 year old son
  • Stephen (our real estate agent) and his wife Stephanie and their 3 year old son William
  • Lisa, Judd (her husband), Miles (her 3 year old), and her 4 month old baby Emerson
  • Kris and his girlfriend
  • Ryan