Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Tummy Time

I woke up this morning to five alarm screaming.  Nora was off the charts yelling.  When she yells, her body gets super hot/sweaty.  By the time I heard her yelling this morning, she was soaked in sweat.  SO ANGRY.  She wasn't hungry. She was just ready to get up.  It took me a little bit to calm her down.  Once she calmed down and took a little cat nap, she was good to go!

After her short little cat nap, we headed upstairs so I could do some straightening in her room.  While I was doing that, Nora did a little bit of tummy time.  (side note, Joe just looked at me and told me that he is finding out how old his soul is......ummm.......weird)  She was able to hold that noggen up for a while!

Holding that head up makes my little girl tired.....

During all of this, Mac was taking his big boy nap.  Without his railing.  Joe thinks he might have heard Mac fall out of bed last night.  He never yelled and when Joe looked at the monitor Mac was back in his bed.  He is currently walking in circles around the living room telling us a story.  My little man has a BIG imagination.  It cracks me up!

Nora got up from her real nap with a vengeance!  She wanted to kick and play and smile.  She did some more tummy time but on the sofa.  She did a pretty good job holding her head up again.  Beast!

I wish I could get some of her facial expressions on video.  I tried but was not super successful.

Check out the awesome breakfast crescent roll dinner that Joe made for us!

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