Monday, July 14, 2014


It was just me and Nora today as Miss Amy stole Mac.  Mac hung out with Miss Amy and her two daughters....they even went to the zoo.  Mac LOVES them.  I don't think he fully understands the concept of them leaving (they are moving back to Texas).  Amy is AWESOME with Mac.  She got a video of Mac as they were heading to the zoo.

Nora and I spent the day snuggling.  She slept a LOT today.  On the few times she was awake, she was game on playing.  She is at the stage where she is smiling and cooing and it's awesome!

That grin makes me smile.  

Yes, I look terrible.  I didn't sleep last night.  Not because of Nora but because I am a freak who does not sleep sometimes.  

As much as she is grinning.....she is really pooping so I don't know if this counts as a true grin. 

Chubby sideways grin....

It's official.  Nora has hit chubbalub status.  It started in her cheeks....and has since spread to her arms and body.  She still has chicken legs going on.  It makes me super happy.  She has rolls in her arms.  Dimples in her elbows.  Dimples on her hands.  Chubbalub.  LOVE IT. 

CHUBBY cheeks

You can't see her chubby awesomeness in this picture.  But it's there.  And it's awesome. 

Yesterday, we took the kiddos to Sams....Mac had fun!  And in case you have been wondering why there hasn't been as many pictures of Mac lately....exhibit blurry A below......he does not stop moving for a picture to be completed with my cell phone.  I probably need to do a better job of taking pictures of them around the house with the big camera rather than my phone. 

I pruned my Citronella plants yesterday.  Mac enjoyed playing with the "flowers" aka the dead pieces that I clipped off.  My plants have gotten GIGANTIC.  Did you know that Citronella plants grow purple flowers????

So Nora makes this funny face when she is thinking/pondering/considering getting upset.  She shoves her bottom lip out.  I sometimes laugh at her because it is so stinking cute.  Joe attempted to get a picture of it....and this is the best he got.  It is not true representation of the lip poking out....

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