Wednesday, July 30, 2014


There has been a bear in our neighborhood lately.  I really really really want to see it just walking down the street.  I love Alaskan wildlife.  Love.  Why am I talking about bears?  The other day we were driving home via O'Malley and that street gets super backed up during the Alaskan "rush hour." What was causing this backup on this particular day?  A mama bear and her cub were treed next to the road.  Welcome to Alaska.

Another random thing?  Our crazy horse sized dog finds random places to sit.  I looked out one day and he was sitting on top of the picnic table just checking out the neighborhood.  He thinks he runs the neighborhood.  Crazy dog.  the other day I looked out and he was sitting in the chair.  That's right.  A 90 pound dog is just sitting in the chair.

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