Sunday, July 6, 2014

Camping Needs

So after this weekend of camping, Joe and I have definitely seen a different way to camp.  Aimee and Chris go RV camping a lot (and I have a serious case of camper envy).  We picked up some tricks from them and saw some things that we need!

-pop up laundry hamper as a trash can (totally bought one of those today)

-large rug carpet thing to go under the awning (I think we can use a mat that we used to have in front of our back door for the winter snow.) it gives you somewhere to put your shoes and wipe your feet.

-the world's coolest chair (like this but with a side table attached|/pc/104795280/c/104267880/Cabelas-Zero-Gravity-XL-Lounger/1752428.uts?destination=%2Fcatalog%2Fbrowse%2F_%2FN-1104665%3FWTz_l%3DSBC%253BMMcat104795280&WTz_l=SBC%3BMMcat104795280%3Bcat104267880)

-rather than using fridge space for drinks, use your coolers

-use a large storage bin for Mac's camping toys

-definitely need to get a bigger leash for Heyward

I am sure that I can think of more things but now it is time for me to go to bed...........

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