Thursday, July 24, 2014

Resurrection Bay Cruise

Yesterday we went on a day cruise out of Seward.  (oh my goodness I just got distracted by Nora's chubby cuteness) It was the Resurrection Bay Cruise with a stop off at Fox Island.  We got to Seward a little early so we drove around to spot out camping locations for our next adventure.  We found exactly where we are going to camp at!  Ok.  Back to the point.

Animals that we saw:
Sea otters (so cute I want to take them home and put them in my bathtub)
Humpback whale
Harbor Seals
Sea Lions
Penguin thingies
Dinosaurs (Joe just said that but he is a liar)

Get ready for picture overload.  Oh and Mac didn't stop talking the entire time.  Oh and on the way back Nora spit up all over Joe.  I laughed.

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