Sunday, March 9, 2014

Virtual Baby Shower!

So Amy is awesome and hosted a virtual baby shower for us!  She started it up via Facebook and people shipped stuff up here to us!  It was great fun!  We were going to Skype or Facetime people as we opened presents but then we realized that we didn't have the numbers for everyone.  I had the idea (while at work, trying to avoid grading terrible essays) to have Joe just video me opening presents and then we could post them to the Facebook group.  GENIUS! (If I may say so myself).

I feel incredibly loved.  There was SO much to open!  Nora is going to be a very nicely dressed little lady!  I actually spent a good bit of today (Sunday) washing her clothes and putting them up.

Here are the pictures that I posted via Facebook after I opened everything.  I will be spending tomorrow writing some serious thank you cards!

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