Monday, March 10, 2014

First day of spring break

Today was my first official day of spring break.  It was awesome!  Mac let me sleep until 9.  WHAT WHAT.

I did some thank you writing today......with the view of Heyward passed out under me!

We got an awesome delivery from my mama today.....

And this was my view while Mac was napping....and what sucked is that he was blocking the cable box so I couldn't change the channel.

When Mac got up from his nap, it was game on.  He turned into Superpants and Joe was "backman" (which is Mac's version of batman).

Joe made us an awesome dinner of chicken enchiladas with mexican rice.  Delish.  Mac was patiently waiting....

We decided to head to the playground after dinner for some family fun.  We got all bundled up.  I have discovered that my snow bibs no longer zip.

We decided to put Mac in our bike trailer and I would push him to the playground while Joe walked Heyward.  Here was my view!

When we got there, Mac had a great time.  Things were a little slick and he would come shooting out of the slides.  I am pretty sure that it hurt his tuckus but it was so funny!

Mac made me crispy Bubba Burgers....

Mac made me crispy Bubba Burgers....

See? Proof of the funniness of Mac flying out of slides....

We headed back after a little bit.....

Mac got a bath and a story and then it was bedtime for him!  He is so stinking cute.  Oh my goodness.  I took some pictures earlier of Nora's room so far for a friend of mine at work.  She is one of the hosts for my work baby shower.  I think it is going to be a pretty big shower.  I am excited!  I keep playing around with my registries.  Fun!

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