Thursday, March 20, 2014

Mac's First Soccer Practice

Today was Mac's first soccer practice.  Every Thursday from now until May 8th is soccer.  His practice time is 5:45 to 6:30.  He is super excited because some of his good friends from Erica's are doing it with him (Oliver, Finn, Henry).  Joe got Mac all dressed and ready to go....

Anyone who coaches 3 year old sports is crazy.  There is no other term for it.  CRAZY.  There are little people running amuck everywhere.

We got to the indoor dome a little early (like 15 minutes early) so Mac just ran kicking his ball.  Soon his friend Finn showed up and their greeting was super cute (GIANT hug).  Then they ran amuck.  Finn's dad was there with Deacon (the baby) and Finn.  He said to me at one point "Thank goodness your husband is here to help chase Finn down."  They are CRAZY.  There were about 5 kids who were skilled.  Mac is in the 3-4 year old group.

(Sorry for the fuzzy pictures but I was using my iPhone)


And of course I took videos of my little crazy man running around....

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