Thursday, March 13, 2014

Busy Busy Busy

Yesterday was a BUSY day.  I had a doctor's appointment first thing in the morning.  Everything is good.  We made our appointments through the remainder of the pregnancy.  Can't believe that I have just over 2 months to go!  I weigh in at a big whopping 157 which puts my weight gain at 24 pounds total so far (which is how much I gained total with Mac).  Dr. Hinkle doesn't think that Nora will be bigger than Mac.

When we got back to the house, it was play time!

Mac made his own lunch of pizza....

After lunch, it was time to head to Cayla's house.  Caryn watched Mac so I could go get my hair cut.  I chopped off about 6 inches of my hair.  My head feels so much lighter!

When we got back to the house, I asked Mac if he had to go potty.  He said yes but when we got in the bathroom his pull-up was FULL so I didn't think much would happen.  However, I was wrong.  He got on the toilet, proceeded to pee, and then asked for his ipad.  He only gets his Ipad if he is going to poop or try to poop.  So I gave it to him and walked out.  About 10 minutes later I hear "MOMMMMMMYYYYYYY I pooped!"  I walked in there to check things out (I totally didn't believe him) but sure enough he had pooped!  We celebrated with noise makers!!!!!

Last night we watched Cayla for a couple of hours.  Mac and Cayla have such fun together!

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