Sunday, March 9, 2014


Saturday was awesome (minus Mac refusing to nap and then being a crazy person).  We took stuff by Plato's closet (I cleared out my clothes and purses).  We took additional, unwanted books by a book consignment store and got new books!

It makes my heart happy to see how much Mac loves books.  He LOVES LOVES LOVES books.  I wonder where he gets that from??????  I picked up some new books too!  I am pretty excited about the book The Monument's Men.  It is the book that the new movie is based upon.  I like to read historical stuff so that's going to be my spring break read.  On the way home, Mac passed out.

We also ran into our newish neighbors and they were sooooo sweet.  They saw us in the driveway and were worried about me since my car wasn't in the driveway for a little bit.  They were worried that I had the baby already.  They offered to watch Mac anytime that we needed.  So sweet!

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