Friday, March 28, 2014

Belly Update

After all of today's eventful activities, I had a doctor's appointment.  Technically it was supposed to be on Wednesday but the doctor got called in for a delivery.  Joe picked Mac and I up to ride together for the appointment.

Weight wise....I have technically lost a pound.  My doctor did not at all like the sound of my lungs.  I have had a raging cold/allergies for going on 2 weeks now.  She ordered 3 prescriptions for me.  If I am not cleared up by Monday afternoon then I am supposed to call her.  She said that the baby sounds great.  My belly is measuring where it should be.  My doctor also said that she is going to put me on bedrest probably soon.  I am personally shooting for the end-ish of April but we will see how that works out for me.  After all of my back pain from yesterday, she said that if I ever experience that again that I need to go straight into OB Triage.  I told her that this pregnancy has not been fun and that this baby is currently the devil.  This pregnancy has been the polar opposite of Mac's.

On a happy note for yall, she did schedule an ultrasound!  We get to see what this little girl looks like on April 10th!  I am pretty excited!

On a belly note, I was told today that I am like a toothpick with a marshmellow.

(Excuse the crazy hair, I had just ran my hands through it)

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