Sunday, March 30, 2014

Towers, Carwashes, Cookies, & Cupboards

Yes I understand that is a random blog post title.  However, it includes all of today.

Sunday is the day that we run our errands.  We go to the grocery store for the week. We do laundry.  We get things done around the house.  And apparently on this Sunday, Joe and Mac build giant towers of legos.  I laid in Mac's bed and watched.  They are so cute together!

While we were out running errands, we decided to wash Joe's car.  The Spring time break up is in full force and the cars are NASTY.  We literally sat in the car wash line for over 30 minutes.  But now Joe's truck is blindingly white.  Mac is so funny to watch in the car wash.  He kept acting fake scared.  Silly man.  His facial expressions crack me up!

During Mac's nap time, we got more stuff done around the house.  I decided to take advantage of the gorgeous sunshine and sat out in the sun for a while "tanning."  Ha.  It was 34 degrees.  However, all I had on was a pair of workout pants, thin socks, a tank, and a thin zip up hoodie.  The sun is awesome!

For dinner we decided to go with the Bubba Burger pork chops (Daddy, they were delicious) and twice baked potatoes.  Joe slapped some Sweet Baby Ray's on the chops and threw them on the grill.  While he was doing that, Mac and I made Reese cookies.

Mac likes to help cook.  It is really cute and makes me happy.

After Mac went to bed, Joe got started on putting together Nora's jelly cupboard that he is building for her nursery.  He has all of the pieces cut and some kind of hole drilled.  He started putting together the frame (I even helped hold a piece of wood, what?!?!?!).  I cannot wait for it to get finished.  We are going to do an antiqued white finish on the bottom section and the top is going to get stained espresso.  I already have a list of what Joe is going to make next......

Cross your fingers for an easy week.  This week is state testing for us up here.  Usually this is pretty rough on me because I always proctor.  However, this time I am a relief person for the proctors.  They didn't want to put me in charge of a room in case I wasn't able to be there.  On Wednesday, some pretty awesome ladies at work are throwing me a baby shower!  I am pretty excited!

Fingers crossed that this is an easy, stressless week..........

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