Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sneak Peaks and weekend roundup

Last week I had a cold.  This week I have crazy allergies.  The pregnancy gods are frowning down at me.  On Friday, we headed out to my favorite antique store where we picked up more fun things for the nursery.  Kelly (the owner) even got us a vintage Alaska coloring book as a baby gift.....which means you definitely shop there a lot!

We also got a map of Alaska from the late 40s.  The colors are BEAUTIFUL!  We took it today to get it framed.  When we get it back and it gets hung up you can see pictures!  We also had family movie night and watched Frozen. Such a cute movie!

Saturday morning we headed to birthday party five billion.  We went to a sledding party for Henry.  Apparently the sledding was crazy because it was super slick.  I stayed inside with my friend Aimee and her baby.  It was a lot of fun!  Saturday evening we met up with Lisa to do our maternity/family pictures at the Potters Marsh boardwalk.  It was completely gorgeous outside!  The mountains were out.  Lisa has posted 3 sneak peak pictures and I cannot WAIT to see the rest of them!  She has such amazing skills!

Today has been spent running lots and lots of errands.  Joe got his Father's Day present early from Mac..... (which is currently being used right now to grill wings)

Joe spent some time staining a desk he built for the office.  He got the wood needed for the jelly cupboard that he is going to build for Nora's room.  I got lots of laundry done, kind of folded, and most definitely not hung up yet.  I made some muffins for breakfast and I also made meatballs for us to freeze.  I like to have meatballs on hand in the freezer for those lazy evening days.  I feel even better because I snuck veggies into the muffins and the meatballs.  While the grill was going, I got some grading done.


Cross your fingers that I make it through the week!  My students are going to watch a video tomorrow because I frankly just don't feel like teaching!  Sad.  Oh well.  It's real life.

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