Monday, March 31, 2014

But I want to build Nora's Jelly

This morning I got a late start.  I tried to blame it on the moose and the dogs but in all honesty I am just not moving as quick.  We found out this morning that there is one other thing that Heyward will bark at.  He barks at ravens, himself, men in top hats......and moose.  There was a moose in a neighbor's yard this morning.  Heyward has a pretty impressive bark....guess it is a good thing that he does not use it a lot.

Fast forward through my workday.

Mac was a little bit of a stinker this afternoon so he did spend some time in timeout.  When he was able to get out of timeout, he wanted mommy snuggle time.  I love snuggle time.  It never lasts for very long but it is awesome!

The sun is still shining and gorgeous so we made use of the new grill again.  Joe threw some Bubba Burgers on there and they were delish.  Mac thought so as well....

After dinner, Joe decided to go out to the garage to work on the "Jelly" for Nora.  After a while, Mac decided that he wanted to help.  He chased down his shoes (well the pair he was able to find was his business casual loafers).  He focused for ummmmm roughly 2 seconds.  At one point, he went on the wrong side of the "jelly" and knocked something over.  We decided it was time for him to come back in.  He freaked out and started crying "but I just want to build Nora's jelly...." WAAAAHHHHHHH.  Once he calmed down (about 30 seconds later), he went back out to the garage with Joe which is where they currently both are.........I think it is beyond adorable that Mac is helping to build something for Nora's room.  It makes me smile.

Conversations with Mac

I need a napkin for my burp.

I need to flush my fart.

Daddy’s truck stinks because he farts in it.

Look at my weewee

Let me tell you the ingredients.

Mommy, I go to sleep now. I see my friends at Miss Erica's tomorrow. Turn light off.

I don't want you to sneeze or have boogers, Mommy. I bring you my animals and check on you later.

Mommy, I bring you flowers.

Daddy, I am Mommy’s zookeeper.

That’s not a hamburger, that’s a Bubba Burger.

It smells like a fart, excuse you daddy.

Look at my weewee dance. 

Me: Mac, did you fall on your forehead?
Mac: No, I fall on my face.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Towers, Carwashes, Cookies, & Cupboards

Yes I understand that is a random blog post title.  However, it includes all of today.

Sunday is the day that we run our errands.  We go to the grocery store for the week. We do laundry.  We get things done around the house.  And apparently on this Sunday, Joe and Mac build giant towers of legos.  I laid in Mac's bed and watched.  They are so cute together!

While we were out running errands, we decided to wash Joe's car.  The Spring time break up is in full force and the cars are NASTY.  We literally sat in the car wash line for over 30 minutes.  But now Joe's truck is blindingly white.  Mac is so funny to watch in the car wash.  He kept acting fake scared.  Silly man.  His facial expressions crack me up!

During Mac's nap time, we got more stuff done around the house.  I decided to take advantage of the gorgeous sunshine and sat out in the sun for a while "tanning."  Ha.  It was 34 degrees.  However, all I had on was a pair of workout pants, thin socks, a tank, and a thin zip up hoodie.  The sun is awesome!

For dinner we decided to go with the Bubba Burger pork chops (Daddy, they were delicious) and twice baked potatoes.  Joe slapped some Sweet Baby Ray's on the chops and threw them on the grill.  While he was doing that, Mac and I made Reese cookies.

Mac likes to help cook.  It is really cute and makes me happy.

After Mac went to bed, Joe got started on putting together Nora's jelly cupboard that he is building for her nursery.  He has all of the pieces cut and some kind of hole drilled.  He started putting together the frame (I even helped hold a piece of wood, what?!?!?!).  I cannot wait for it to get finished.  We are going to do an antiqued white finish on the bottom section and the top is going to get stained espresso.  I already have a list of what Joe is going to make next......

Cross your fingers for an easy week.  This week is state testing for us up here.  Usually this is pretty rough on me because I always proctor.  However, this time I am a relief person for the proctors.  They didn't want to put me in charge of a room in case I wasn't able to be there.  On Wednesday, some pretty awesome ladies at work are throwing me a baby shower!  I am pretty excited!

Fingers crossed that this is an easy, stressless week..........

Friday, March 28, 2014

Belly Update

After all of today's eventful activities, I had a doctor's appointment.  Technically it was supposed to be on Wednesday but the doctor got called in for a delivery.  Joe picked Mac and I up to ride together for the appointment.

Weight wise....I have technically lost a pound.  My doctor did not at all like the sound of my lungs.  I have had a raging cold/allergies for going on 2 weeks now.  She ordered 3 prescriptions for me.  If I am not cleared up by Monday afternoon then I am supposed to call her.  She said that the baby sounds great.  My belly is measuring where it should be.  My doctor also said that she is going to put me on bedrest probably soon.  I am personally shooting for the end-ish of April but we will see how that works out for me.  After all of my back pain from yesterday, she said that if I ever experience that again that I need to go straight into OB Triage.  I told her that this pregnancy has not been fun and that this baby is currently the devil.  This pregnancy has been the polar opposite of Mac's.

On a happy note for yall, she did schedule an ultrasound!  We get to see what this little girl looks like on April 10th!  I am pretty excited!

On a belly note, I was told today that I am like a toothpick with a marshmellow.

(Excuse the crazy hair, I had just ran my hands through it)

Monday, March 24, 2014

You're in Big Trouble Mommy!

Mac wanted to watch Wallykazam in our bed so Jami stuck him in there while I went to the store to get coffee. Here's some pictures:

Before that, Mac caught mommy in a lie. She was eating a chocolate bar and Mac asked for a piece. She told Mac that she had ate it all, so I told Mac to go throw the wrapper into the trash can.  Jami then looked at me like I had let the cat out of the bag, and said, "I was lying, I didn't want to give up any of my chocolate." Mac then proceeded to walk around in circles lecturing mommy about lying... I filmed all of this on my phone, but the audio was messed up so it didn't turn out. I did grab Jami's phone and try to get a little bit. He was kind of done lecturing though. He basically told Jami that she was in big trouble for lying and needed to go to time out in the corner. Lol.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sneak Peaks and weekend roundup

Last week I had a cold.  This week I have crazy allergies.  The pregnancy gods are frowning down at me.  On Friday, we headed out to my favorite antique store where we picked up more fun things for the nursery.  Kelly (the owner) even got us a vintage Alaska coloring book as a baby gift.....which means you definitely shop there a lot!

We also got a map of Alaska from the late 40s.  The colors are BEAUTIFUL!  We took it today to get it framed.  When we get it back and it gets hung up you can see pictures!  We also had family movie night and watched Frozen. Such a cute movie!

Saturday morning we headed to birthday party five billion.  We went to a sledding party for Henry.  Apparently the sledding was crazy because it was super slick.  I stayed inside with my friend Aimee and her baby.  It was a lot of fun!  Saturday evening we met up with Lisa to do our maternity/family pictures at the Potters Marsh boardwalk.  It was completely gorgeous outside!  The mountains were out.  Lisa has posted 3 sneak peak pictures and I cannot WAIT to see the rest of them!  She has such amazing skills!

Today has been spent running lots and lots of errands.  Joe got his Father's Day present early from Mac..... (which is currently being used right now to grill wings)

Joe spent some time staining a desk he built for the office.  He got the wood needed for the jelly cupboard that he is going to build for Nora's room.  I got lots of laundry done, kind of folded, and most definitely not hung up yet.  I made some muffins for breakfast and I also made meatballs for us to freeze.  I like to have meatballs on hand in the freezer for those lazy evening days.  I feel even better because I snuck veggies into the muffins and the meatballs.  While the grill was going, I got some grading done.


Cross your fingers that I make it through the week!  My students are going to watch a video tomorrow because I frankly just don't feel like teaching!  Sad.  Oh well.  It's real life.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Mac's First Soccer Practice

Today was Mac's first soccer practice.  Every Thursday from now until May 8th is soccer.  His practice time is 5:45 to 6:30.  He is super excited because some of his good friends from Erica's are doing it with him (Oliver, Finn, Henry).  Joe got Mac all dressed and ready to go....

Anyone who coaches 3 year old sports is crazy.  There is no other term for it.  CRAZY.  There are little people running amuck everywhere.

We got to the indoor dome a little early (like 15 minutes early) so Mac just ran kicking his ball.  Soon his friend Finn showed up and their greeting was super cute (GIANT hug).  Then they ran amuck.  Finn's dad was there with Deacon (the baby) and Finn.  He said to me at one point "Thank goodness your husband is here to help chase Finn down."  They are CRAZY.  There were about 5 kids who were skilled.  Mac is in the 3-4 year old group.

(Sorry for the fuzzy pictures but I was using my iPhone)


And of course I took videos of my little crazy man running around....