Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

The title of this post states exactly how my day was.  Terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.  Today was a day where I seriously question not only my sanity but my reasoning for doing my job.  Today, definitely earned a sad face in the calendar.  Hopefully, tomorrow will bring a smile-y face.

My big boy though made my day better.  I think he knew that things weren't very good for me.  He sat on the sofa with me for a while!  We read "Corduroy goes to the doctor" and "brown bear brown bear what do you see?".  He LOVES those 2 books.  Any books that are cardboard-y are great.  He likes to rip the other type of books.  I still need to re-buy him "How Dinosaurs Say Goodnight" since he killed his last copy.

And this was my view for a while.....and it is the best view EVER.

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