Friday, November 23, 2012


We decided to do Thanksgiving at 5 instead of mid-afternoon.  It was an awesome idea!  We got to be lazy and leisurely cook rather than feeling rushed!

Mac decided that he wanted his shirt off (he seems to be very proud of his belly and he likes to show it off).....

He also wanted to show Bella some serious loving.  He LOVES LOVES LOVES Bella.  

While Joe was in the kitchen, Mac decided he wanted to be in the kitchen as well.  He is sometimes such a weird baby.  He literally beat the oven with his hammer and then kissed everything.  WEIRD.  

After we got the food going, I needed to actually get dressed because we had people coming over.  I go upstairs to "put on my face."  Joe and Mac decided to come upstairs too which is where Mac discovered the big tub of socks that I have not folded.  I hate folding socks so I constantly put it off.  Mac found great enjoyment playing in the socks.  Joe had a great time playing in the socks as well.  Sometimes I am a little outnumbered in the weird things that they like to do....

Pictures from Thanksgiving to follow.......

We made: Turkey, Dressing, Stuffing, Sweet potato casserole, gravy......

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