Saturday, November 24, 2012

House divided

Today is the day of the year that Joe and I are house divided.  GO DAWGS! (Yup, as I am the one who does the majority of the posts I can write what I want).  However, in respect for Joe (and the huge beat down they were going to take) I decided that Mac would be team neutral today.  So....he wore Caribbean clothes.  HILARIOUS.

So....since UGA was giving the beat down to Tech, Joe and I decided we would go out and run some errands.  The sun was super bright!  It was very pretty!!!  I kind of wish we had more snow though.  I think we are sitting at 4 inches.  At this point last year we had over 32 inches so we are very behind in snowfall.  

While we were out at Target, we got Mac a big boy toilet.  He did not get one of the mini toilets but a lid thing that goes on a regular toilet.  He liked it.  

Mac sat on a toilet today once.  We are just wanting him to get used to it.  Today, after we got home with his toilet lid, he said "peepee" and then ran in the bathroom.  So we took his pants and diaper off and stuck him on the toilet.  Nada.  But it's ok.  I think these things happen in small steps.  

Mac acted a little sleepy so into the crib he went.  He did not sleep.  I am not kidding.  He was in there for literally like an hour and a half before it went silent.  He fights naps so hard.  I was able to sit on the sofa and read my book.  It was awesome and relaxing.  When he got up, he was a little irritable but then he got over it.  He just wanted to snuggle for a little bit.  Sweet baby.  Once he really woke up, it was game on in the land of play.

Speaking super loudly....


Telling us his business.

He did a lot of toddler babble today.  He is getting better at stringing words together (when he wants to).  His little voice is so sweet and makes me grin. 

And switching is what our Christmas tree looks like...

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